Olivia Brinich, MA
Winding Tree
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2021


Winding Tree’s 10,000 Lif Token Giveaway Names Two Winners

Winding Tree’s Lif giveaway brought two new ORGiDs onto the Winding Tree marketplace.

June 7, 2021 — On March 11, 2021, we announced our first Lif token giveaway in the amount of up to 10,000 Lif for members of our community who refer an organization that successfully creates an ORGiD profile and adds at least one individual as a representative.

We are pleased to announce that there were two winners! Michael Schott (@mc_shot) and Mr. Claudio (@MrClaudio) each received a 1,000 Lif token reward in exchange for their effective efforts at helping get Die Alpenloge and Etherisc on board, respectively. Those two companies have completed their ORGiD profiles and are now fully verifiable by ORGiD Bot.

ORGiD Bot checks identities by searching ORGiD, a decentralized global network of trusted organizations. Each organization creates its own ORGiD profile and adds its trusted representatives. Organizations have full control over their own profiles and the network is decentralized. As a result, would-be hackers must spend exorbitant amounts of money to create fraudulent accounts, making such attempts cost-prohibitive.

ORGiD Bot streamlines the know-your-business (KYB) process by putting all the needed verification information into your hands in seconds, saving you time and trouble. It is supported by Ethereum’s distributed technology which makes the network hack-proof.

With ORGiD, blockchain companies now have a unified mechanism for verifying their peers’ identities online. You can get your unique ORGiD set up today by following these instructions: How to Set Up your Company’s Unique ORGiD. If you’d like an onboarding session with a Winding Tree representative, schedule one here.

About Winding Tree

Founded in 2017, Winding Tree is an Ethereum-run travel distribution nonprofit finding innovative solutions to make travel cheaper for the end-user and more profitable for suppliers. Our platform allows small companies to compete with big players by getting rid of transaction fees and barriers to entry.



Olivia is Winding Tree’s Engagement Manager. She received her MA in International Relations from WashU and speaks Russian from her six years in Eastern Europe.